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1.3.0 (Apr 15, 2024)

Main Updates

  • New built-in RSS: Supports creating new subscription sources and categories within the App, without the need for any online RSS account.

  • iCloud Sync: Supports RSS synchronization through iCloud service. As long as you log in with the same Apple ID, whether using an iPhone or a Mac, the data will always be up-to-date.

  • Underlying data restructuring: Comprehensive optimization of data processing, especially significant improvements in initial loading speed, making your experience smoother.

Fixes and Improvements

  • Increased the clickable area of buttons, enhancing the interactive experience.(iOS)

  • Smoother article list scrolling, reducing conflicts between swiping left and going back.(iOS)

  • Optimized the "Mark All as Read" text for clearer understanding.(macOS)

  • Resolved the issue of toggling read/unread status in starred articles.(macOS)

  • Fixed frequent occurrences of the ContentUnavailableView issue when switching article lists.(macOS)

  • Integrated MacOS account management into the settings page, enhancing usability.(macOS)

  • Fixed login and batch operation issues related to NewsBlur and TinyTiny RSS.

  • Translation services now effective immediately after switching without needing to restart the app.

  • Resolved network image caching issues and increased the download speed of subscription feed icons.

Enjoy reading, enjoy life~